Where can I get help or instructions on how to use the library and its resources?


If you are on site at the library, you can ask for help from the library's customer service. Please note that the library is self-service in the morning from 9 to 10.

You can also contact the customer service by various ways: email, telephone and chat. Contact details can be found on the library's website. The chat is open during library opening hours. If the library is closed, you can send us a question via chat and we will answer it during library opening hours.

In our special guide "How to use the library"  you will find information and advice on using the library and its services, for example how to

  • borrow books
  • renew loans
  • request books
  • return books
  • search for information
  • use the SeAMK-Finna search service

You will also learn about rules and charges and interlibrary loans from other libraries.

"How to find information" guide provides general information on online searching and its tools. It provides information on how to search for print and electronic books, journals and articles. The guide presents electronic resources and databases available to students and staff of SeAMK.

SeAMK students and staff can book a consultation with one of library's information specialist. She can help you find the information you need for your thesis or research project, for example. The service includes one hour free consultation. The service is also available via Teams.

If you are a student at SeAMK, information retrieval lessons are part of the curriculum of your degree programme. The information specialists of SeAMK Library are responsible for the training. You will learn the basics of information retrieval, the sources of information in your field of study and how to evaluate information.

  • Last Updated 10 Jan 2025
  • Views 19
  • Answered By Tuula Ala-Hakuni

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