Why can't I log in to SeAMK-Finna?
Different problems when logging into SEAMK-Finna:
Failing to login with Haka
- You can try logging in by subscribing to the login link to the email. If your login is successful, go to My Account - Library Cards and try deleting the library card from there. After that, you can try Haka login again.
- Haka login uses multi-factor authentication. You can find more information about how to enable multi-factor authentication on Jelppari’s web pages.
- Contact the library to check that your information is up to date in our customer registry.
I can't get a login link to my email
- Check that the message hasn't gone into the trash.
- The email must be the same one stored in the library's customer registry.
- Contact the library to check that your information is up to date in our customer registry.
The login link that came to my email doesn't work
- Always use the same device and the same browser when you subscribe to the login link from SeAMK-Finna, open your email and click the login link.
- If the link still doesn't work, try copying it and pasting in that window where you ordered the login link.
- You can try using some other browser. Also, the browser cache is worth trying to clear.
- Check that your machine's IP address isn't hidden.
- Contact the library if you still have problems logging in.