I forgot my library card home? Can I still borrow books?


You'll always need a library card if you want to borrow books from SeAMK Library. However, you have always a digital library card with you on your mobile phone.

Students and staff at SeAMK can find their digital library card the easiest way on Tuudo mobile app. When you check out books on the self check-out machine, it reads the card barcode on your cell phone screen.

Other patrons than SeAMK can log in to SeAMK-Finna on their mobile phone. Under Library cards tab you'll see the cards connected to your account including their barcodes. When you check out books on the self check-out machine, it reads the card barcode on your cell phone screen. You can also take a screenshot of the barcode and use the photo as a library card.

If you have forgotten your PIN code, you can save a new one by logging in to SeAMK-Finna. Click Profile under My Account and change PIN.

  • Last Updated 25 Mar 2021
  • Views 15
  • Answered By Tuula Ala-Hakuni

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