How does Tuudo library card work?


Students and staff of Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences can activate SeAMK Library's library card on Tuudo mobile app.

Download the free Tuudo app and activate your library card.

Log in with your SeAMK Haka ID. Then select Library from the top menu. Then Add a card and continue from No, I don't have a library card. Then check your contact information and choose a 4-digit pin code for the check-out machine. If you already have a SeAMK library card, please contact the library.

You won't need any other card, and you can start borrowing  book with Tuudo barcode on your mobile phone.

You can also renew your loans and check your requests and charges on Tuudo. The app will remind you of the due dates and notify you when your request are ready for pick up. In addition, you can check library opening hours and read library news.

To check-out books on the self check-out machine you'll need the library card barcode and PIN code. You can change your PIN code by yourself by logging in to SeAMK-Finna's My Account.

You can get a plastic library card by visiting the library, if you wish.

  • Last Updated 24 Sep 2024
  • Views 52
  • Answered By Tuula Ala-Hakuni

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