How can I request a book? When do I have to pick it up at the latest?


You can request books by logging in to SeAMK-Finna. NB! Service break ca. 10pm–11pm.

You can request both books which are checked out and books which are on shelf.

  • Click to SeAMK-Finna search service.
  • Log in to your account on the upper right corner of the page. (SeAMK students and staff: SeAMK credentials, other patrons: by email or Finna ID)
  • Search the book, check the availability by clicking on the titel and make the request by clicking on Request an item.

You will be notified by email when you can come to pick up the book. The book will be kept for you for one week. You can see the final date the book is available for pickup on the email notification.

Come and pick up the requested book from the book trolleys next to the library door. Don't forget to check the book out at the self-checkout machine!

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  • Last Updated 26 Aug 2024
  • Views 45
  • Answered By Tuula Ala-Hakuni

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