Course books 2 weeks. You'll recognize them by the yellow sticker on the spine of the book.
Other books 4 weeks
Sports equipment 1 week (cannot be renewed or reserved)
Journals are not lent out (scanning and copying available)
E-books: Loan periods for e-books vary depending on the e-book service. Not all e-books are borrowed, some are read in the browser. E-books borrowed for a limited period are always returned automatically. For information on how to use the different e-book services and the loan periods, visit our E-books guide.
Loan renewals
Loans can be renewed max. 2 years if there are no holds placed (SeAMK staff can renew max. 4 years)
You can renew your loans on Tuudo app or SeAMK-Finna web service
You can also renew your loans by phone, email, chat or by visiting the library